The simple management innovation business needs now must put personal development first. Above all, we cannot afford to be any more fractured or burn any more human capital as collateral damage.
What’s Missing?
Our creativity, health, and inspiration cannot thrive in a culture devoid of emotional agency. This results in a downward drag on motivation and, ultimately, productivity.
How Do You Answer These Four Questions?
As savvy human resources leadership looks to education to reverse this slide, we’d like to ask four questions:
- What if the answer is not about more online courses, IQ, EQ, NLP, DISC, or any other acronym-based solution?
- What if the answer is all about the experience?
- What if your team could experience bonding, authenticity, compassion, vulnerability, belonging, and communication skills in psychological safety?
- And what if that experience is fun, strengthens listening skills, uses technology we already love, and has the natural side-effect of participants coaching others?
- As a bonus, the best kind of experience like that ought to be instantly customized to individual team members and their collaborative purpose, and it ought to seamlessly integrate into and leverage everything they already know and do.
What Will You Do Next?
You’re already aware of the technology that does this. However, you may need some help putting it to work skillfully. Spend 75 minutes with us, and we promise to improve your experience. For good.
What are you waiting for? You and ten team members ride together – book here.
Over the course of more than 40 years of paying attention to how music works on us, Bill Protzmann re-discovered the fundamental nature and purpose of music. For many years, Bill has experimented with what he learned through performing concerts, giving lectures, facilitating workshops, and teaching classes. For example, he first published on the powerful extensibility of music into the business realm in 2006 (here and abstract here). Ten years later, in 2016, he consolidated his work into the Musimorphic Quest. In this guided, gamified, experiential environment, participants discover and remember their innate connection to this ancient transformative technology. Also, The National Council for Behavioral Healthcare recognized Bill in 2014 with an Inspiring Hope award for Artistic Expression, the industry equivalent of winning an Oscar.
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