Your Personal (Musical) Growth Adventure

Your Personal (Musical) Growth Adventure A Fun (and Sometimes Messy) Journey Ready to level up in life? Personal growth is like a video game—but instead of battling dragons, you’re facing your own quirks and fears. Consider this: music is an integral part of personal growth. Think about how music is used in your favorite movies. […]

Spirit Moves – The True Purpose Of Vibration – AI

Spirit Moves: The True Purpose of Vibration Have you ever noticed how overthinking a process can halt its progress? I’ve spent too much time trying to decipher why certain frequencies, like specific Hertz, seem so significant. This obsession stalled my exploration into sound’s deeper meaning. Let’s explore this together, starting with a single note. Mono-Frequencies: […]

Why Good Habits Aren’t Enough Any More

  Habit and Practice The way we do things matters. Many times, precise habits are enough to achieve excellence. Think accounting, financial analysis, risk management, music and the arts, surgery, mathematics. You get the idea: 10,000+ hours, licenses, certifications. When habits become elevated, ritual arrives: the baseball player’s pregame personal routine, the gymnast’s or high […]

How Music Works On You

Let’s get basic: you and your SO are at a concert and you both love the band. It’s a magical evening, and you both are in the flow of the music, the vibe, and each other. The whole thing is almost holy in a numinous way, and you both know that: head, heart, body, and […]

Tech Is The Answer NOT

What If? There is a multi-billion-dollar industry based on the notion that there are things you desperately want that you cannot give yourself. Let’s disrupt that. You see, there’s no reason you cannot heal yourself, improve your financial situation yourself, create peace within your family and friendship circles yourself, even begin to change the world…all […]

How To Prepare Musically For Memory Care

  Imagine This Scenario You can’t speak intelligently, you have no memory of what happened in most of your life so far, you no longer recognize people around you, and yet your relationships are healthy and fulfilling, you are healthy and emotionally satisfied, physically fit, and living fully in the moment. Possible? For many people […]

Spirit Moves – The True Purpose Of Vibration

Spirit Moves The true purpose of vibration Have you noticed how thinking about a process can stop its progress? I’ve thought far too much about frequency and vibration, trying to make sense of why specific numbers of Hertz hold such significance for so many people. Wrestling with this has stopped my search for a deeper […]

The Secret To Thriving In The Age Of AI

human connection

The Secret to Thriving in the Age of AI “If you want to thrive in the age of AI, you better become exceptionally good at connecting with others.” – quoted in “How to Know a Person,” by David Brooks It seems obvious: humanity is losing its human skills. We have consistently fewer and fewer formal […]

Has Empty Nest Syndrome Clipped Your Wings?

Has Empty Nest Syndrome Clipped Your Wings? Empty nest syndrome – the grief we feel when our kids have grown and flown the coop – is real. Most of us have a personal story. The question is, how do we deal with it when it starts to feel…like that? If empty nest syndrome has clipped […]