Spirit Moves – The True Purpose Of Vibration

Spirit Moves The true purpose of vibration Have you noticed how thinking about a process can stop its progress? I’ve thought far too much about frequency and vibration, trying to make sense of why specific numbers of Hertz hold such significance for so many people. Wrestling with this has stopped my search for a deeper […]

The Secret To Thriving In The Age Of AI

human connection

The Secret to Thriving in the Age of AI “If you want to thrive in the age of AI, you better become exceptionally good at connecting with others.” – quoted in “How to Know a Person,” by David Brooks It seems obvious: humanity is losing its human skills. We have consistently fewer and fewer formal […]

Has Empty Nest Syndrome Clipped Your Wings?

Has Empty Nest Syndrome Clipped Your Wings? Empty nest syndrome – the grief we feel when our kids have grown and flown the coop – is real. Most of us have a personal story. The question is, how do we deal with it when it starts to feel…like that? If empty nest syndrome has clipped […]

The Chevy Commercial – Using AI May Be Risky For Creatives

Using AI to Mimic what Sells is Risky for Creatives If you create or lead a team of creators, your work is far more than artificial. Shouldn’t the creative act be extraordinary, too? When everyone uses AI to make content, will your work still sing? Will its energy be alive…or artificial? I contend that using […]

Attention Span

What’s your attention span? Before Y2K, the average adult human being’s attention span was 12 seconds. In 2015, that attention span had decreased to 8.25 seconds. That’s less than the attention span of a goldfish. And it’s a lot less than the average attention span we had up until around age 16. Our birth-to-16 attention […]

There must be a better way

There must be a better way. Endless online networking. Content consumption. Webinars. Long-format videos. Short-format videos. Podcasts. Joint-ventures. Collaboration. One-to-one frog kissing. There must be a better way. Dues. Workshop fees. SaaS. Apps. Plug-ins. Add-ons. Helpers, parsers, and all kinds of purpose-based AI. Cloud storage. Cloud backups. Cloud backup subscriptions. Authenticity fees, certification fees, continuing […]

The Simple Management Innovation Business Needs Now

The Simple Management Innovation Business Needs Now: Personal Development Experiences that Strengthen Team Skills

  The simple management innovation business needs now must put personal development first. Above all, we cannot afford to be any more fractured or burn any more human capital as collateral damage.   What’s Missing? Our creativity, health, and inspiration cannot thrive in a culture devoid of emotional agency. This results in a downward drag […]

Music and Relationships 


Moments Remember those great feelings you had at the live concert by that band you love? People dancing, singing along. Some of you got to see Taylor Swift, or Paul McCartney. Whoever it was, it felt amazing, those music and relationships moments. Then, it was over. Things went back to whatever normal is now. Would […]

Imagine Love Entanglement

You don’t need 528Hz to be loving. The feeling of love is a call to action. The moment we choose to love, we entangle ourselves with the energy of love, which is so much more than vibrations in three dimensions. Try it! Here are two ways to entangle with “the love frequency.” Think or sing […]