What’s All This Shift?
No Shift! Meet The Shift. Our awareness is in transition. From the Age of Enlightenment through Modernism, things worked pretty well. Around the time of John F Kennedy’s assassination, a Post-Modernist period swung back against Modernism, and our recent global pandemic will probably be marked as another pivot in awareness. Some have begun to refer […]
Stranger Things and Your Power Music
Running Up That Hill is clearly a powerful song for Max’ heroic journey in the latest season of Stranger Things. Evidence from the music therapy field supports this decisive moment: the power of music is personal. Our choices about the music we love, combined with our emotional connection to those specific songs, can literally save […]
The Badass Way to Master Sadness, Distress, Depression, and Anxiety
Have you done this? Tried anything to quickly relieve the stress, sadness, pain, pressure, <insert trouble here>? Are you ready for the badass way to master sadness, distress, depression, and anxiety? Drugs, therapy, meditation, emotional intelligence, plant medicine, religion, mindfulness <insert intervention here> – anything for a few moments of relief or even joy? […]
The Long Tail of Internet Marketing Noise
There are about a hundred other things I ought to be doing right now, and that’s probably true for you, too. But, as someone who’s highly tuned-in to sound and rhythm, I have to take a few minutes to think authentically with you about all this Internet online marketing noise. Technology used to be […]
Why Suicide?
I’m going to attempt to answer this question alongside you: why suicide? The answer, which I hope that you will also understand, is all about meaning. (Before we begin, I want to reach out with great compassion and respect to Alexandra Valoras’ parents and friends: what you are experiencing is unimaginable, and I […]
The Two-Minute Treatment: Meetings
(This article originally appeared at MusicCare.net – republished here by permission) The Two-Minute Treatment series is for people who are too busy and need help now. As with all treatments, if you need to, please take time to research the links before just jumping in. If you don’t need lots of footnotes and “science,” just […]
How To Deal With Sadness For No Reason? Try This!
Why me? Why this? Why now? Why am I feeling this way at all? Do I know how to deal with sadness for no reason? For a quick refresher course, try this. There are times where sadness takes us. Sometimes the reason is clear – a person we know has died, or something we […]
How To Cope With Feeling Isolated At Work
I don’t often write practical heart skills articles about how to cope with feeling isolated at work, but the recent #MeToo news motivated me to write this one. #MeToo self-isolation One of the unintended consequences of the #MeToo Movement is the self-imposed isolation of some men from their women co-workers. If it’s possible to […]
How To Deal With Feeling Isolated From Your Family
When we feel isolation or rejection by our family of origin, what then? When the family we married into isolates or rejects us, what then? Do you know how to deal with feeling isolated from your family? I’m learning how this works in mine. A very personal question I’m blessed – and that’s the […]
What Is The Best Way To Deal With Sadness? Do This!
Is sadness locking you down? It can do that, it doesn’t own you. So what is the best way to deal with sadness? Do this…. You’ve got to feel it Sadness can run deep and wide. It’s supposed to. If you’re sad, even for a long time, you’re doing it right. We are designed […]