What’s All This Shift?
No Shift! Meet The Shift. Our awareness is in transition. From the Age of Enlightenment through Modernism, things worked pretty well. Around the time of John F Kennedy’s assassination, a Post-Modernist period swung back against Modernism, and our recent global pandemic will probably be marked as another pivot in awareness. Some have begun to refer […]
The Badass Way to Master Sadness, Distress, Depression, and Anxiety
Have you done this? Tried anything to quickly relieve the stress, sadness, pain, pressure, <insert trouble here>? Are you ready for the badass way to master sadness, distress, depression, and anxiety? Drugs, therapy, meditation, emotional intelligence, plant medicine, religion, mindfulness <insert intervention here> – anything for a few moments of relief or even joy? […]
How good are you with fear, or how do you own your own dopamine?
As a guardrail, fear isn’t such a bad emotion. Fear keeps us from sticking our hands into the fire a second time. But what about fear as manipulation? Fear of the unknown, fear of missing out, fear of repeating history…this kind of fear is subtler. How good are you with this kind of fear? Would […]
The Two-Minute Treatment: Abortion Rights
The Two-Minute Treatment series is for people who are too busy and need help now. As with all treatments, if you need to, please take time to research the links before just jumping in. If you don’t need lots of footnotes and “science,” just go for it. Whether your belief system is pro-life (killing […]
How To Cope With Feeling Isolated At Work
I don’t often write practical heart skills articles about how to cope with feeling isolated at work, but the recent #MeToo news motivated me to write this one. #MeToo self-isolation One of the unintended consequences of the #MeToo Movement is the self-imposed isolation of some men from their women co-workers. If it’s possible to […]
How To Let Go Of Anger Scaring Or Alienating Your Family, Friends or Co-Workers
Can we agree that it is a good thing to know how to let go of anger without scaring or alienating anyone? Focus on the “let go of anger” bit: if you could let go of anger reliably, every time you need to, would you? Take the red pill “You take the blue pill, […]
How To Deal With Feeling Isolated From Your Family
When we feel isolation or rejection by our family of origin, what then? When the family we married into isolates or rejects us, what then? Do you know how to deal with feeling isolated from your family? I’m learning how this works in mine. A very personal question I’m blessed – and that’s the […]
How To Overcome Your Fears In Life
Life is scary. For some, it is scarier than ever. Political refugees and asylum seekers, people running from wildfires, and terror victims seem more numerous than ever. Social and fake media fuel the fire of fear. In the face of all this, offering one more article about how to overcome your fears in life seems […]
How To Overcome Your Fear Of Rejection And Stop Feeling So Isolated
How To Overcome Your Fear Of Rejection And Stop Feeling So Isolated You know the feeling, and it can be scary to admit: you don’t know how to overcome your fear of rejection and stop feeling so isolated. While it seems counterintuitive, some people are addicted to rejection and isolation. Live that pattern […]
What To Do If Your Norm Is Feeling Isolated In A Crowd
Other than one of the three cats and my one-year-old grandson, I’m the only male in a family crowded by females. It can get lonely and I often feel isolated by all the girl talk around me. If crowds give you that same kind of unwanted insular feeling too, here are a few ideas about […]