Why Good Habits Aren’t Enough Any More
Habit and Practice The way we do things matters. Many times, precise habits are enough to achieve excellence. Think accounting, financial analysis, risk management, music and the arts, surgery, mathematics. You get the idea: 10,000+ hours, licenses, certifications. When habits become elevated, ritual arrives: the baseball player’s pregame personal routine, the gymnast’s or high […]
How Music Works On You
Let’s get basic: you and your SO are at a concert and you both love the band. It’s a magical evening, and you both are in the flow of the music, the vibe, and each other. The whole thing is almost holy in a numinous way, and you both know that: head, heart, body, and […]
Tech Is The Answer NOT
What If? There is a multi-billion-dollar industry based on the notion that there are things you desperately want that you cannot give yourself. Let’s disrupt that. You see, there’s no reason you cannot heal yourself, improve your financial situation yourself, create peace within your family and friendship circles yourself, even begin to change the world…all […]
The Trouble With Why
The Trouble With Why Have you got a big why? Perhaps your why helps grow your business, influence, or altruism. The trouble with why, however, is that some Big Whys are used to break things and hurt people. You know what I mean; insert your own Exhibit A here. The Noble Why The best why […]
AI Versus Beethoven
AI Versus Beethoven I just checked with ChatGPT to see what it “knows” about Musimorphic (TM). Zip. Zero. Nada. Same goes for Grammarly, by the way. Of course, the ChatGPT free version stopped “learning” in 2022, so there’s that. This is the same ChatGPT that believes Classical favorites such as Beethoven’s “Fur Elise” and Led […]
The Secret To Thriving In The Age Of AI
The Secret to Thriving in the Age of AI “If you want to thrive in the age of AI, you better become exceptionally good at connecting with others.” – quoted in “How to Know a Person,” by David Brooks It seems obvious: humanity is losing its human skills. We have consistently fewer and fewer formal […]
AI: License to Steal
AI: License to Steal If you are or have been a content creator, AI knows your stuff. All those little “rewrite using AI” buttons that appear everywhere these days have no qualms about using your stuff – without attribution or compensation to you – to help other content creators in the same niche as you. […]
Desire for the Magical
What if one of our fundamental gut desires is to believe in the non-factual, the unproven, the ineffable? May we call that kind of desire a “desire for the magical” without placing any judgment on it? Watch video or listen to the audio Why? Could this help us understand those in the hard sciences who […]
Transforming the Heart of Business for Good – A Novel Invitation to Wellness at Work
Transforming the Heart of Business for Good A novel invitation to wellness at work If you arrived at a live Taylor Swift concert that turned out to be just recordings without even a DJ or visuals, would that shift your energy? For online learning, what works best for you: an audio/read-and-test course, or a human […]
Is Thinking Enough?
Is Thinking Enough? In addition to the Theory of General Relativity, Einstein is often credited with this insight: “We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them.” Most people read this and assume Einstein is encouraging us to expand our thinking. Therefore, the postulate(1) most people mistakenly take away from […]