Photo by Ariel Tutillo on Unsplash
If your business views diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) as nothing more than compliance checkboxes, you’re missing a big opportunity. If your business understands that DEI is a real-life example of the shifting business fundamentals that enterprises must embrace and embody for long-term sustainability, you’ve come to the right place.
Practical heart skills are fundamentally related to consciousness. This article provides answers that relate to the global shift in consciousness (DEI is currently the best-known example) – from what some call “3D” or three-dimensional thinking to “5D” consciousness. This “5D” way of thinking is the notion that life, success, and fulfillment are somehow bigger than businesses, bodies, and bank accounts, and that a fundamental shift away from today’s accepted mindset and emotional intelligence is necessary to achieve durable longevity and joy, both of which are keys to the successful, significant enterprises of tomorrow.
Leading-edge thinkers and executives have begun to explore the potential in “5D” consciousness as it relates to their organizations through enabling practical heart skills such as gratitude, vulnerability, compassion, and others; this is the beginning of the shift from “3D” to “5D.”
Here a just a few of the benefits available to organizations that see DEI as an invitation to the shift in consciousness, and as a transformative bridge to operate more compassionately and powerfully as business leaders. Of course your results may vary, but the ultimate bottom-line benefit comes from the advantage you and your organization gain by being early adopters:
· The potential to address, alleviate and heal the mental health challenge for employees; ![]() · A cutting-edge benefit that, when offered to employees, becomes an attractive, compassionate addition across all employee demographics;
· A novel way to create organizational alignment and jump start teams;
· A way to heal toxic work environments;
· A way to build brand and redefine the value proposition. |
Enjoy! And please offer any additional insights; we are all in this together!
Why does my business need to prepare for the new “5D” consciousness?
There’s a trend toward compassionate leadership, vulnerability as strength, collaboration instead of competition, pain as a portal, and the more “operational” requirements of this kind of thinking such as DEI.
However, leading businesses, organizations, and executives that want to position for future success must quickly embrace, master, and drive the hallmarks of new consciousness – “5D” consciousness – into their business culture. In contrast to the “3D” consciousness that has guided the post-industrial/technological/consumerist age, practical “5D” skills and their easy-to-recognize buzzwords demand a coordinated, dynamic, purposeful shift in organizations. This shift, done well, reaches beyond emotional intelligence and soft skills to the very heart of what makes us so remarkably human.
Integration of “practical heart skills” or “spiritual best practices” first into individual and team awareness, then into external practice, then into business processes, is not a new idea, as Bo Burlington demonstrates in his book “Small Giants,” but the speed at which leaders must now embrace and successfully implement these kinds of skills is not always a core competency of a goal- and strategy-based bottom-line free enterprise. While paradoxical, “Small Giants” documents the significance and success of businesses that became early adopters of what we can now call “5D” consciousness, as well as the pitfalls of businesses that didn’t plan well enough to sustain the new consciousness. It’s not an opportunity to take lightly!
As an executive leader, how can I begin this pivot right now?
Rather than trolling the ‘Nets for “what is 5D consciousness,” there are simple and powerful ways of strengthening the “5D” skills already inherent in you and your team as well as discovering new ones. The popularity of today’s consciousness-expanding, facilitated ayahuasca journeys echoes the old-school trust exercises and fire walks, and all of it indicates a hunger for the next big paradigm we must embrace to distinguish our organization, meet new challenges with aplomb, and welcome a new kind of customer – the “5D” customer who wants to do business with a leading-edge, new-consciousness partner.
In the universe of coaches and consultants there are no doubt many who will bandwagon-jump this opportunity, but when it comes to actual life learning and deployment of the skills leaders will need in new consciousness, it will be important to work with individuals and organizations who teach durable, time-tested best practices. Case study and university-level support for new consciousness is nascent at best, and self-proclaimed “me too!” experts are bound to emerge, so the discerning leader will need to choose carefully when selecting a working partner or organization to assist with the “5D” transformation.
In addition to “Small Giants,” the business literature has begun to welcome insight and wisdom from authors such as Bill Protzmann, and his short but powerful international best-selling book about new consciousness best practices titled “More Than Human – The Value of Cultivating the Human Spirit in Your Organization,” which offers practical ways that businesses and organization can improve their culture of success based on spiritual best practices. Other authors who are writing helpfully around the edge of the shift in consciousness include Ryan Holiday, Seth Godin, and Derek Sivers; you may already have a separate “personal growth” library that presages the shift you want to see in your organization.
What to look for in a “5D” transformation consultant?
Committing your business to this kind of transformation is a huge undertaking. Many of the fundamentals of the enterprise could be touched along the way. The process isn’t one that ought to take place overnight; it will take time to snap in new practices to existing processes, evaluate the positive pivots that take place, and proceduralize the results. Unlike pivoting to a new product or service line, this consciousness change in more fundamental. Even someone who understands “New Age” consciousness intimately might lack the organizational communications, instructional, or people skills to work in a consultative role alongside an enterprise as it transforms. As good as they have been, the mindset of a process-based or entrepreneurial consultant is by its very nature lacking in the basic understanding of the new consciousness as well as any kind of significant practice in it.

Therefore, what is most needed to help the transformative process is a kind of infinitely-adaptable laboratory and a integrative, consulting educator familiar with it. Such an educator must also be able to quickly comprehend and adapt pre-pivot thinking and processes to new consciousness opportunities in ways that don’t cause production snafus, as well as facilitating acceptance of the new best practices that result. An environment like that can help your organization discover its potential pivot points, embrace opportunities for re-tuning them to new consciousness best practices, and test the changes offline before deploying them in real life. In bullet form, your “5D” process needs to be facilitated so as to do three things very well:
- Understand both existing “3D” and potential, desirable “5D” best practices as they apply to you or your enterprise;
- Create and test “bridge” practices that move you or your organization naturally toward the pivot points needed for a full embrace of new consciousness;
- Implement successful “bridge” practices as tailored new consciousness processes to lock in the transformation you want, as well as provide for changes to them as new best practices emerge, as they will over time.
This process, which you could call “UCI,” is the basis of transformative change in the realm of new consciousness. Savvy “3D” leaders have begun to embrace the significance of managing change well, so the process itself may not seem so foreign, even though the results are nothing less than a fundamental reformation of how business gets done.
Where can I find more information?
One organization that meets the “UCI” test is Musimorphic Inc, a for-purpose California-based educational consultancy with a background in both Fortune 500 business and entrepreneurism. While music has been shown to have significant positive effects on physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellness, Musimorphic is most interested in the opportunity represented by this necessary shift in consciousness, and in discovering, testing, and applying practices for accomplishing that shift successfully with enlightened and curious individuals and executives and organizations they manage, both small and large.
The shift to a newer model of consciousness is already happening. Will you and your enterprise be part of it, resist it, or lead it? If your desire is strong enough, there are already ways forward, as well as documented results from early adopters, which can minimize the risk of being a curious leader.
We understand that sailing into uncharted waters knowing that the trailing indicators for doing so may not reflect results for some time, but the positive potential for improved internal cultural cohesion and external market-leading position in the B2B as well as B2C arena are persuasive if not compelling. As DEI is beginning to show, the trend toward the safety of novel research and the piquant need to act promptly and positively are at odds. Why settle for DEI alone when the opportunity exists for so much more – for a fundamental pivot to serve those whose values include more than just a healthy bottom line?