Tech Is The Answer NOT

What If?

There is a multi-billion-dollar industry based on the notion that there are things you desperately want that you cannot give yourself.

Let’s disrupt that.

You see, there’s no reason you cannot heal yourself, improve your financial situation yourself, create peace within your family and friendship circles yourself, even begin to change the world…all by yourself.

Sure, it’s helpful to have skills, and learning new ones might be part of this process for you. That’s part of the billion-dollar industry we’re disrupting together, too. The biggest opportunity we have right now is to separate you from reliance on others who claim to be the only way for you to achieve, have, and be all you want.

Helpful History

It has been a few years, but you might recall that this same opportunity prompted Martin Luther’s 95 Theses, which he mailed to his boss on October 31, 1517, a date that marks the beginning of the Protestant Revolution. That’s one powerful letter.

What if we are at a similar moment in history now?

The technological weight of “The Algorithm” and its bastard stepchild “Artificial Intelligence” has already begun to crush creativity and intellectual property rights. Just like the Catholic Church against which Martin Luther railed, those of us railing against the digital gatekeepers of our age are the true innovators, courageous leaders, and mailers of multiple push-back emails to anyone who will read them. The claim we refute here is that Technology Is The Answer; it’s not.

Piling onto this oppression is civilization’s fascination with Science that dates back to Aristotle, and with possibly-scientific ancient wisdom dating far before that. The claim here is that, unless we – or those from prehistoric civilizations – can observe and measure it in the physical world, it’s not true.

Any quantum physicist can describe the holes in that claim and, as far as Reason goes, it has brought almost all progress in our physical world under its purview. Government agencies worldwide regulate everything from common sense to medicine based on their “objective” measurements of what is right and wrong for us.

Here are just two contrasting examples of the trouble with that process – can you think of others?

  1. Nanny state laws and The Algorithms which enforce them, made by popular opinion, destroy human compassion in favor of one-size-fits-all coercion, which limit innovation and creativity;
  2. Psychedelic therapies that defy Science and yet do amazing work that Science can’t understand are burgeoning in popularity and responsible use.

Be The Healer

I work in the music and sound healing industries. By and large, and with the exception of Music Therapy, which is board-certified and licensed in the United States and other countries with medical/industrial complexes, my industries are regulation-free. In truth, I feel that Music Therapy would be so much more widely accepted and used if it were deregulated and able to spring free from the clinical box it has built for itself; that, too, is a possible area of disruption.


Because, with respect to Music Therapy and the neurological research that has been done in just the last 30 years, there doesn’t really seem to be a need for anyone to intervene between patients and health. Patients, with just a little education, can easily assume responsibility for and participate fully in their own healing!

I’m not joking.

Ted Gioia, a blogger whom I respect for his historical knowledge of music and his understanding of how it changes us, has had a lot to say on this topic, including his most recent entry: Doctors Raise A Patient From Deathlike State With Electronic Music. The same post also discusses the latest FDA approval (nanny state again!) for a process that kills cancel cells using sound.

Anyone interested yet?

Why not go direct to the source? Be your own healer? Either pay over and over for treatment from an expert or pay just once to learn how and never pay again? Which sounds best to you?

For More…

Want to know more? I’m not in the persuasion business any longer – too noisy – however I will spend any amount of time with sincere seekers. If that’s you, and you want to be part of the disruption of the self care industry already in progress, let’s connect. I can help in two ways:

  1. Teach you what you want to know that will change you self-care practices forever and for good;
  2. Consult with you as you deploy your new foundational and musical power tools across the whole spectrum of the other self-care tools you already have in play.

It’s a joy for me to do this work, and I’d love to introduce you to that joy. Doesn’t matter if it’s a business, body, or bank account: you can change all of it. For good.


Over the course of more than 40 years of paying attention to how music works on us, Bill Protzmann has rediscovered the fundamental nature and purpose of music and accumulated a vast awareness of anthropology and sociology, as well as the effects of music, the arts, and information technology on human beings. Bill has experimented with what he has learned through performing concerts, giving lectures, facilitating workshops, and teaching classes. He first published on the powerful extensibility of music into the business realm in 2006 (here and abstract here). Ten years later, in 2016, he consolidated his work into the Musimorphic Quest. In this guided, gamified, experiential environment, participants discover and remember their innate connection to this ancient transformative technology. Also, The National Council for Behavioral Healthcare recognized Bill in 2014 with an Inspiring Hope award for Artistic Expression, the industry equivalent of winning an Oscar.

Musimorphic programs support wellness for businesses, NPOs and at-risk populations, and individuals.



Picture of Bill
