How Consciousness In Business Is Shifting


What if consciousness is key in business for long-term success and happiness? I bet you’ve seen this bell curve many times before. Technically, it’s a normal distribution of some arbitrary data and helps us guesstimate probabilities within data for which specific outcomes can’t be known. Today, we will apply this normal distribution curve to a […]

What’s All This Shift?

webb telescope - shift is essential for awareness in transition

No Shift! Meet The Shift. Our awareness is in transition. From the Age of Enlightenment through Modernism, things worked pretty well. Around the time of John F Kennedy’s assassination, a Post-Modernist period swung back against Modernism, and our recent global pandemic will probably be marked as another pivot in awareness. Some have begun to refer […]

Music: A Full-MEPS Practice for Wellness And So Much More

We do physical things such as run, work out, swim, or get regular massage for our health. We practice Qigong, have acupuncture, meditate, or attend church for our spiritual/energetic health. Curiosity, psychotherapy, regular reading, and continuing education keep our mental health sharp. Practices such as journaling, gratitude and forgiveness support our emotional health. Together, the […]

This Changes Everything for Good

▶️ Listen to this article now (12 minutes) ▶️ What if… What if there was a way to improve every aspect of what you’re already doing without having to un-do any of it? What if you could support every best practice you already use in a way that would deepen those practices without competing within […]

Mind Blown: Why Creativity Matters

Just finished Rich Kirkpatrick’s “Mindblown: Creative Insights from Science and Magic.” It’s a quick compendium of the scientific basis for creativity and the sociological reasons why being creative matters. And creativity does matter: to both our success and our sanity. Have you ever wondered why there are so many more “negative” emotions than “positive” ones? […]


There is a grand effort being made these days to advance “sound healing” in ways that have little to do with how human beings actually respond to sounds, timbre, rhythm, and melody – “music” as it is commonly called, or “music healing” such as advanced by the profession of music therapy and other music healers. […]

Reason Isn’t Dead – It’s Just Not Everything

Disclaimer: This article was created without access to or use of artificial intelligence. It intentionally violates many commonly-accepted SEO conventions. If that’s not acceptable to you, please stop reading now. The Age of Enlightenment threw shade on perceptions that weren’t solidly grounded in rational thought. It gave us durable, rigorous Science, celebrated Reason and sparked […]

Apps, Practices, and Consciousness

How to Choose Wisely It matters that so many of us use apps such as Headspace, Calm, or Healthy Minds. It’s much better than not doing so, right? There’s a big difference, though, between apps and practices. And both of those are completely different than a change of consciousness. Using an app to slow down […]

The True Power of Story: Relationship Matters

Your story matters. Just guessing here: your personal story has progressed beyond the “once upon a time” and is closer to the “happily ever after,” right? And don’t we all want that “happily ever after” sooner rather than later, thank you very much? That’s the true power of a great story with feeling and the […]