The Best Strategy For Finding Joy After Tragedy Strikes

Our joy is compromised by many things: natural disasters, loss of a family member or friend, injustice of all kinds. Media seem to thrive on serving up the latest tragedy. We eagerly consume it, no matter if it’s a fictional soap opera or streaming steamy drama. It could be the latest political scandal, or financial […]
How To Deal With Sadness In The World And Still Feel Joyful

If you are one of those people who believe they can insulate themselves from any kind of unwanted emotion, please stop reading now and skip this article. It’s not for you. For the rest of us, let’s explore how to deal with sadness in the world and still feel joyful. You Can’t Wish It Away […]
What To Do If Your Norm Is Feeling Isolated In A Crowd

Other than one of the three cats and my one-year-old grandson, I’m the only male in a family crowded by females. It can get lonely and I often feel isolated by all the girl talk around me. If crowds give you that same kind of unwanted insular feeling too, here are a few ideas about […]
Things To Do If You’re Feeling Isolated In Life

First, if you’re feeling isolated in life and want it that way, stop reading now. This article isn’t for you. On the other hand, if you want to change, and you’re interested in things you can do if you’re feeling isolated in life, keep reading. Read This First There’s an implication in the headline […]
What To Do When You Just Can’t Deal With Sadness

Despair sucks. Hard. Sadly, suicide is one answer to what to do when you just can’t deal with sadness anymore. In fact, so many middle-aged white males in the United States are taking their own lives that sociologists now have a term for it: “suicides of despair.” I’m a middle-aged white American male, and […]
How Sadness And Sorrow Are Requirements For Finding True Joy

How Sadness And Sorrow Are Requirements For Finding True Joy It’s true. Until someone explains how sadness and sorrow are requirements for finding true joy, it sounds counter-intuitive. But it’s really very simple, and completely natural. If you’re sad, sorrowful, feeling depressed or morose, or even just a bit melancholy, you have such […]
What It Means When You’re Feeling Isolated In Relationship (And What To Do About It)

What It Means When You’re Feeling Isolated In Relationship (And What To Do About It) If you have ever wondered what it means when you’re feeling isolated in relationship (and what to do about it) you have found a great article that may help. Feeling Isolated in Relationship? The fact that you can […]
Feeling Unmotivated And Sad? How To Find Joy In Life Again

Are you feeling unmotivated and sad? How find joy in life again? It’s easier than you think. Have you noticed how, sometimes, sadness just clings to you? There’s a good reason. Yes, you read that right: if you’re sad, there’s a good reason. And, it may surprise you to know that what triggered the […]
How To Overcome Feeling Isolated And Unloved

I’m an introvert. It’s a challenge for me to overcome feeling isolated and unloved – to basically get myself out there, even for necessary obligations. I’d much rather hole up and write, practice, or hang out with my family. This is big a contrast to who I am on stage when I appear to […]
7 Comforting Quotes to Deal With Sadness

7 Comforting Quotes to Deal With Sadness…for when there are no other options Here are 7 comforting quotes to deal with sadness that challenge everything you think you know about it. Let’s steer away from the pithy or glib towards a new goal: to open the possibility for making sadness your friend, the way a […]